Water Cooled Capacitors

Manufacturer, Supplier Of Water Cooled Capacitors, LT Capacitors, Medium Frequency Water Cooled Capacitors, APFC Panels, All Types Of Capacitor Repairs, Repairs Of Medium Frequency Water Cooled Capacitors, Repairs Of HT, LT & Special Purpose Capacitors, Rectification / Modification Of APFC Panels, HT Capacitors, Reconditioning HT Capacitors, Reconditioning LT Capacitors, Reconditioning Special Purpose Capacitors.

For More Details Please Visit www.capacitorsindia.com


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Address :Near State Bank Of India, Dattanagar-Shirol, Dist. Kolhapur - 416120 MAHARASHTRA, INDIA
Tel.No.: +91-8308812552
Email : response@pasayadanelectricals.com